Saturday, December 03, 2005

Conservative Voice

HO HO HO The Hypocrisy of it All

How can one say the word "Enough!" in a language that will not offend someone? Then again, how do you say it lovingly to the people who draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me" ? (Mat 15:8)

Perhaps some professed Christians should remember another very classic teaching by their Messiah. But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. (Mat. 12:36)

Do they fall into the dreaded category:

Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. (Mat. 7:22-23)

Are you as tired as I am of hearing about "keeping Christ" in a holiday that Messiah was never part of from the beginning?

I say unto such groups as the American Family Association and the Family Research Council: you do NOT represent my views on the Messiah. Furthermore, you do NOT represent the views of a growing number of people who understand the depth of commandment breaking and textbook idolatry that surrounds your false celebrations. Knock it off, in the Name of Messiah!

I consider joining forces with the ACLU every time I hear of a supposed "Christian" group fighting to keep "Christmas" in schools, public displays, and even in Wal-Mart and Lowes. The hypocracy of it all saddens me.

Your tradition is vanity in the eyes of the Creator, and your words are poison to your children. Teaching them to "covet" and make lists of all their covetous desires is total, blatant and embarrassing sinfulness, and shows clearly the depravity of mankind ˆ especially many of those who call on His Holy name. Giving that list to a fictious fat man in a red suit is more idolatry personified.

Have you noticed the number of depression-related suicides and other crimes at "Christmas time?" Ever sit back and wonder why? If mankind, in their folly, would not put high expectations on gold under pine trees, perhaps husbands and children alike would focus more on the Messiah all year long!

Going into debt with credit cards and building false hopes, lies and error into our children ˆ HELLO! Anyone home? Shame on you!

But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? (Mat. 15:3)

And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. (Mark 7:9)

Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye. (Mark 7:13)
Even if it appears to be a 1700 year long tradition ˆ it is time for "Christians" to knock it off. No wonder the Jews sit back and laugh at the silly goyim!

The very word "Christmas" is a contraction of "Christ" and "Mass." "Mass" means "death" and is a by-product of anti-Semitic, Constantinan Catholicism, circa 325 AD. Worse, the Protestants have adopted this holi-nonsense as though the pope was their friend.

The "mass rituals" were imported into the Roman Church by the conquerors of Western Europe (as they tried to appease those practicing assorted Celtic witchcraft doctrines). The "mass" ritual actually imports some of the death (not birth) attributes of the "masses" derived from witchcraft. On its very face, therefore, the concept of "Christ-mass" is 180 degrees backwards of what it is perceived in the eyes of most Christians to be.

So are you celebrating his birth, or death?

Obviously the time (December 25) as it is on the current popish (Gregorian) Calendar can be neither ˆ for the timing would be dead wrong (pardon the pun) in EITHER case.

Bible scholars and historians have nearly universally accepted the time of Christ‚s birth as at the time of Sukkot (Feast of Booths/Tabernacles). This is based on numerous historically verifiable facts and clues left in the scriptures. Indeed, based on new advances in astronomy, some sources have even narrowed the time down to within two hours on a date in Sukkot, and in what we now think of as the year 3 B.C.

He became our Passover. That has nothing to do with the pagan fertility festival known as "Easter" either. Oi vey you crazy goy!

St. Nikolaus, the bishop of Myra in Asia Minor died on December 6, 343 AD. In German speaking nations (home to this element of our current tradition) December 6 is the "children‚‚s festival" and Dec 5 is when the "stockings are hung."

It was Clement Clarke Moore of Troy, NY who wrote "The 12 Days of Christmas" in 1822. He brought the reindeer into the picture. Political cartoonist Thomas Nast caricatured a combination of Moore‚s "jolly old elf" with his native Bavarian Palatinate, the art for which appeared in Harper‚s Weekly.

The "Yule" holiday has a much different origin. The "lesser" Pagan Sabbat of Winter Solstice (Yule) actually occurs on December 21 (the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere). The ancients believed the sun god died on that day, and begins rebirth as of the 25th.

December 25 is the birth date of Mithras, the Persian Sun god of light; and Saturn, the Italian sun god.

So like it or not, the "birthday" you are celebrating has more to do with our star (sun ˆ not "Son") worship than anything pertaining to Christ.

Not until the 4th Century (again, because of Roman Church juxtaposition of doctrine) did "Christmas" become something of significance to Christianity. Puritans in America (Massachusetts) and England actually outlawed Christmas observations as witchcraft!

In the United States, Christmas in the past century has become more about the profit and loss columns of major retailers than anything about Christ. The popularity of Christmas is a rather recent trend in Americaˆˆexcept in those areas where the religious influence of certain beliefs were imported with European settlers.

The cutting down of trees to bring into the home was a European tradition, and was done to give warm residence to wood spirts. Evergreen trees were a phallic fertility symbol, and in Germany, they were used in worship of the yule god for the solstice festival and Wicca sabbat.

Holly wood was used by witches to make wands. White berries of mistletoe represented semen droplets of the sun god. The red berries of the holly represented the menstrual blood of Diana, queen of heaven.

Gift giving in the temples of Rome was done by dendrophori (priests of Saturn) on December 25, and some Biblical research lends credibility to the mystic Magi bringing gifts to the Christ Child on December 25 (who was then a "child" not an "infant").

There is no commandment to celebrate Christ‚s birth, and if there were, it would need to be placed at the time of Sukkot. But there IS a commandment not to partake of strange gods (the very First Commandment), and not to join in idolatry where it is found.

And thou shalt not go aside from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the right hand, or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them. (Deut. 28:14)

So prior to compelling secular retailers, schools, etc. to "put Christ back in Christmas," perhaps the, feel-good, apostate, pagan-tradition-keeping, luke-warm, Laodicean-mimicing "Twistians" should go back and study the origins of this "holiday."

One famous American, Benjamin Franklin, once stated that it is better to be thought a fool and remain silent, than to speak and remove all doubt. For those who promote "Christmas" as something biblical, where do you really fit in that picture?

And for the record, NO, I am not a Jehovah Witness, nor an "orthodox Jew." I never have been. This information is available just as easily by searching Wiccan high sabbats as it can be found in the records of the Early Church, Ante-Nicene Fathers, History of Massachusetts, and many other locations.

Love your "tradition," or love your Father in Heaven. The choice is rather clear.

Josh. 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

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